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generating functional中文是什么意思

用"generating functional"造句"generating functional"怎么读"generating functional" in a sentence


  • 生成泛函


  • According to the dirac constrain theory and the extended condition , we deduce the gauge generators , show the brst transformation of ( 1 + 1 ) dimension o ( 3 ) non - linear model under the new general condition . we first gain the new general commutation relations of ghost field , deduce the brst charge from gauge generator , complete the general brst quantization of the model , get green function , connecting green function and generating functional , gain three kinds of ward identities . at last , we complete the brst quantization of o ( 3 ) non - linear model with topological term in ( 1 + 1 ) dimensions space - time
    最后依据dirac约束规范理论和推广的条件,导出了规范生成元,推导出了1 + 1维o ( 3 )非线性模型的新的一般条件下的brst变换,给出了其brst变换与dirac规范变换的等价性,首次得到了鬼场的一般对易关系,且其一般参数为零时就回到通常的鬼场的对易关系,第一次由规范生成元导出了brst荷,进而完成了此模型的一般的brst量子化,并在此基础上进一步导出了此系统的green函数、连通green函数生成泛函和正规顶角生成泛函,获得了三种不同的ward恒等式。
  • The thesis deduces the generating functional of proper vertexes and brst transformation of the system of matter field coupling to non - abel gauge field , gives noether conservation charge of brst transformation , shows up the model ' s brst transformation when the gauges are lorentz , coulomb and radiation gauges , respectively , finishes the brst quantization of ghost field in ( 1 + 2 ) dimensions model with non - abel chern - simons term coupling to the scalar field , achieves the lagrange density and hamilton density under brst transformation
    导出了物质场与非abel规范场耦合系统的brst变换以及此变换下的ward恒等式和正规顶角的生成泛函,给出了其brst变换下的noether守恒荷。针对lorentz规范、库伦规范、辐射规范三种情况分别给出了此模型的brst变换,并得到了自洽的结果。完成了( 1 + 2 )维时空中非abelchern - simon项和标量场耦合系统中鬼场的brst量子化,得到了brst变换下的noether荷和其对应的拉氏量和哈密顿量。
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